
Achieving Choral Accomplishments

Students often enjoy singing well before they attend school, and most of them learn simple lullabies and ditties from their parents and pre-school educational programs....


Learning to Read Music

Unlike the alphabet, music uses notes on a scale instead of lines of letters on a page. The skill of reading music is not an...


Playing The Piano

Do you fancy yourself a piano virtuoso, but don't know where to start? Do you watch others play and wonder how they make it look...


More Than Just Learning An Instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument is more than just a hobby or a way to pass the time. It's a multifaceted activity with numerous...


Students in the Band

There are two basic concepts that must be learned and combined to play a musical instrument, and they are the ability to read sheet music...


Music Appreciation

Reading notes and playing a musical instrument is the dream of many students, but not all of them are talented in that particular direction. For...

When it comes to cutting school district budgets, extracurricular activities are the first on the chopping block. Many districts made the error years ago to cut their music programs, but they replaced them when they realized how much incentive losing the music program took away from their students. Whether or not people realize it, music is a fundamental part of education, and most schools today do maintain at least a minimal music program.

There are many different facets of music for students to participate in and enjoy at school, and the cost of them can be quite low compared to their actual value. These programs often include at least a once per week music class for all students, a choir or choral group, and a band program. Each of these musical programs has the ability to help students learn other facets of their education, and all of them are enjoyed by students across the globe.